

This locality, that means in kakana language “Place of the Sky”, is located to 15 km to the north of Cafayate, to a height of 1,695 m.s.n.m. This small villa is in a colorful zone in where it is cultivated and the grapevine is elaborated. In the town one of the most traditional warehouses is located, whose origins surpass the seventy years: the Bodeguita Don Andrés, whose production and elaboration are totally artisan. The licorosos wines stand out in this zone, being elaborated mistela. Also the activity of the pottery is developed.

San Carlos

To the north of Cafayate is this old population, with ample colonial houses and narrow streets. There several cities were based that destroyed the Indians. The Jesuits settled down the mission of San Carlos, that gave origin to the present town. The Church of San Carlos Borromeo, raised between 1801 and 1854 is conserved; that it was declared in 1942 National Historical Monument. The religious temple is the one of greater dimensions in Valle Calchaquí, and the only one of cruise with cupola. By the environs strolls like the cascade stand out of…


It is located approximately to 50 km to the north of San Carlos, to a height of 1,990 m.s.n.m and to 245 km of the city of It jumps by RN 40. He is very pleasant to appreciate throughout the way the natural landscapes that conform the well-known passages of the Ventisquero and the Arrow. This small vine acquires certain magical touch, since it is surrounded by vineyards and seeding of pimentón. Their old settlers raised huts of marinates in slopes of the mountainous areas. One stands out to visit the Church of Angastaco, established by on the level…


It is a mountain population of the Calchaquíes Valleys, founded in the middle of century XVII, in the confluence of the rivers Humanan and Luracatao, that form the Mill. The old water Mill of the town can be observed, where maize in addition to other cereals is ground, to borders of the Calchaquí River. Its layout is irregular with houses of marinates and tiled of earth, with galleries and porches. The parochial church stands out of marinates denominated San Pedro Nolasco of the Mills, who was constructed in century XVIII, with lines of baroque style and cuzqueños characteristics…


This is another important city of the circuit of the Calchaquíes Valleys, located to the north of which it has sufficient infrastructure for the comfort of the tourist, besides to count on a variety of attractive architectonic and cultural. In language quechua the word “cachi” means salt. Another etimología emphasizes that the word comes from the language of the old diaguitas that inhabited these valleys, the kakana, uniting the word “kak” (rock, stone, rock), with “chi” or “chin” (silence, solitude). Cachi is a town that survived…

Quebrada of the River of Cafayate

It is arrived at this wonderful broken one after cross a river of the Shells, where they are possible to be appreciated majestic formation rocky that adopted with the passage of time and the capricious process of erosion and attractive figures. All the figures are signalized by means of posters for their correct location, and among them we can mention: The Throat of the Devil (141 km), the Amphitheatre (142 km), the Toad (153 km), the Friar (155 km), the Obelisco (165 km), the Castles (168 km) and other outstanding figures.