Autorities and Institutions

The Secretariat of Municipal Subjects of the Department of the Interior is the office of the National Executive authority in charge to understand in the local questions and the technical attendance to the municipalities for the modernization of the administrative systems and the fortification of the management. This work is made in joint form with the Undersecretary of Municipal Management of the Department of the Interior.

Secretary of municipal subjects

1. To understand in the municipal subjects and the technical attendance to the municipalities for the modernization of the local administrative systems and the fortification of its capacity of management.
2. To attend the provinces in the decentralization of functions towards the municipalities.
3. To propose the average tendientes to the study, formulation and execution of decentralization policies.
4. To also evaluate the information on the socioeconomic and institutional reality of the municipalities, proposing the execution of plans, programs and projects referred to the development of the local governments.
5. To attend in the programming of the political reform in the local level.
6. To evaluate the plans and projects in execution relative to technical attendance, modernization and improvement of the capacity of management of the municipalities.
7. To propose policies and strategies for the establishment of micro-regions, being promoted the cooperative spirit between the different social actors from neighboring communities.

Lic. Raquel Cecilia Kismer de Olmos >> Secretariat of Municipal Subjects Secretary

Undersecretary of municipal managment

1. To promote and to spread to the projects and programs oriented to the improvement of the quality of the communitarian services and to the economic-social development of the regions.
2. To coordinate the implementation of the projects referred to the improvement of the capacity of management of the local governments, the modernization of its administrative systems and management and the fortification of the capacity of gerenciamiento of the public policies of the municipal governments.
3. To design, to evaluate and to propose courses of action to follow in the matter of promotion and development of micro-regions.
4. To attend in the formulation in preferred associative agreements, proposing plans and projects, like thus also designing the instruments adapted for its implementation.
5. To propose and to develop mechanisms of institutional, national and sectorial coordination in the matter of its competition.
6. To design, to propose and to execute the actions necessary to orchestrate the process of deepening of municipal integration with the regions, in form coordinated with the provincial and regional organisms of connection.

Mr. Claudius Pedro Leoni >> Undersecretary's office of Municipal Management Undersecretary